Fatima Ahmed's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 280 of 346 in Wall Photos

This is Shahreen's answer to our latest Physics quiz on melting and boiling point. Her answer is brilliant and very well written for any average person to know what is happening in this physics experiment. It was a very good read and so nicely explained! The diagram and the explanation amazing. Good job Shahreen!. Here is the question of the quiz: https://coolinventor.com/projects/2/99/curious-nancy-and-the-dancy-of-five-ice-cubes. Here is her answer and we are also attaching a screenshot of her answer with the highlighted part that we really liked! https://docs.google.com/document/d/17brhrVPaoikTVlmCOYVUuSrE03JN3RI0/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106512088825710967320&rtpof=true&sd=true