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Java Paint Application Tutorial

Posted by David Landup
Posted March 27, 2018
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  • Fatima Ahmed
    Fatima Ahmed David, yes sure...I will give my feedback In the meantime, can you also give me the original mp4 file? I will need that to create the intro, etc.
    March 28, 2018
  • Fatima Ahmed
    Fatima Ahmed David, I watched your video again. Thanks a lot. One thing I noticed is that in this video, there is no section that shows how to design the visual component? For example, where to place the buttons and sliders etc (like you showed in the chatbox...  more
    March 31, 2018
  • David Landup
    David Landup Hi, it's not left out at all, it's there in the back end code. We're using a BorderLayout which is shown in the video, and when we add the components in the BorderLayout we can put them in the top, the center, the bottom, left and right. I simply added...  more
    April 2, 2018 - 1 likes this
  • Fatima Ahmed
    Fatima Ahmed Ok, got it now. Makes sense. Thanks for clarifying
    April 2, 2018 - 1 likes this