Einstein Project Top contributors

  • Here are the top contributors for the Einstein's Theory of Relativity article. There were three criterias to do well in this wiki article:

    1) Was your description easy to understand?

      2) Was it original with your own writing 

    3) Did you follow all the guidelines

    We could not find anyone who did well in ALL three criterias.  However, some were close enough! Following are the three contributors who were pretty close in following all the above guidelines in their goal to expand our wiki contributions. And they are: 


    Ahsaan Ali

    Country: Pakistan

    Favorite Course: Physics

    Interests: Sports

     Ahsaan's Profile Page



    Ripon Islam

    Country:  Bangladesh

     Ripon's Profile Page



    Aminul Islam

    Country: Bangladesh

    Aminul's Profile Page


    Due to their excellent contributions as per our standard guidelines, we will give them additional $5 for their creativity. 



