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Noorjahan Binte Farhana#everyone
Request to Fatima Ahmed apu, could you continue your project publish task frequently every month? May be I will win or lose but it will be practise for everyone in every month and we all will be active in this site.
June 1, 2023
Fatima Ahmed
Noorjahan, yes, we will publish the next project by next week. Thank you for reminding us to be consistent with this. We are trying our best
Genetics, in biology ,the science of genes ,heredity and the variation of organs being passed from parents to offspring. Many diseases is ultimately goal in developing advances level in the life sciences.Scientists have been making great st...
Fahimul Karim Limon
My name is Fahimul karim Limon . I have completed my Ssc from Mirpur Bangla high school and my hsc from Dhaka commerce college.. Now i am an university student.. And I knew about this through one of my friend ..
Shoaib Torfdar#Noshin Tasnia I'm shoaib. I'm studying in Anthropology and it's a human science. One day i scrolled my fb timeline and saw a post of Aminul (my friend) timeline, i clicked link i read ! After readig the articles i felt good because here i got a lot... more#Noshin Tasnia I'm shoaib. I'm studying in Anthropology and it's a human science. One day i scrolled my fb timeline and saw a post of Aminul (my friend) timeline, i clicked link i read ! After readig the articles i felt good because here i got a lot of creative example regarding the topics so i contracted to Aminul and he gave me information about this site still he helped me :-)
Our next Coolinventor project is all about your creativity! Please come up with your 5 technological inventions or innovations you WISH to see in the future! Remember, these are something you WISH to see in the future. So it can be something very w...
Here are the top contributors for the Einstein's Theory of Relativity article. There were three criterias to do well in this wiki article:
1) Was your description easy to understand?
2) Was it original with your own writing
3) Did you foll...
"When you sit with a nice girl for two hours you think it’s only a minute, but when you sit on a hot stove for a minute you think it’s two hours. That’s relativity."- Albert Einstein
We wanted to thank Dennis Ruto from Nairobi to contribute his wiki article about the Space Shuttle Launch system.
To know more about his contribution, please read his article here. For a mere $5, he ...
Who invented Calculus? Well, there is a controversy about that! Isaac Newton said he invented Calculus whereas Gottfried Leibniz said it was him. Both Newton and Leibniz started working on Calculus around the same time, but Leibniz published...
#মাস্টার্স (#এমএসসি)শেষ করেছি ৩-৩.৫ বছর আগে,আর এখন বেগম রোকেয়া বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়,রংপুর থেকে মানব সম্পদ ব্যবস্থাপনায় #এমবিএ শেষ করলাম যার রেজাল্ট গত ১৭/৫/১৯ তারিখে দিয়েছে,আল্লাহর রহমতে যা হয়েছে ভাল হয়েছে,বাবাকে জানাতে গেলাম কোন পাত্তাই দিলোনা,মাকে জানাতে গেলাম...
Noshin Tasnia
maybe i saw in sparrow group that in the girl's group.of course, you can share your experience with us
May 26, 2019
Raju Ahmed
Thank you mam...may be you saw the post on that group they are collected or this post is only mine...if you have any doubt thn you check the post date nd time when it was posted.
Most of the people like to lose their weight but they don't find a proper way to do it. Here's you can find a good way to lose your weight. Just watch until the end.
এক সময় প্রথম সন্তান পৃথিবীতে আসার আগে এক ধরনের অস্থিরতা কাজ করত মা বাবার মধ্যে । কারণ পরিবারে অত্যন্ত প্রথম সন্তান ছেলে হোক এ আশাটা সবাই করত। কারণ ছেলে বংশকে এগিয়ে নিয়ে যায়। তার পরিচয়ে নাম যশ...
বেশ কদিন ধরে অসুস্থ। বিছানায় শুয়ে শুয়ে নিউজ দেখে মন খারাপ হয়। নারীদের উপর শারিরীক নির্যাতনের খবর দিন দিন বাড়ছে। নারীর এগিয়ে যাও জীবনে এটা কিসের লক্ষন প্রশ্ন জাগে বারবার। কষ্ট দেয় ভাবনাগুলো।
In this video, I have shown a great way to improve your business. Social media is the best place to get a ton of lead and revenue. Check out the video now.
রাতের আকাশটা আজ বড় বেশি অন্ধকার। ঘোর অমাবস্যার মতই বিষাদে ছেয়ে আছে রুবার মন। ঘরের সব আলো নিভিয়ে বসে বসে ভাবছে তার প্রতিবাদী সংগ্রামী মা তাকে ঘর থেকে বের হতে নিষেধ করেছে। আর সে কারনে রুবা ৩ দিন ধরে ঘরে বসে...
গ্রীষ্মকালে প্রকৃতি যেন তার নিজস্ব মর্জিতে চলে। এই প্রচন্ড রোদ আবার কখনো এক পশলা বৃষ্টি। এই সময়ে সাজসজ্জা, পোশাক নির্বাচন, ত্বকের সুরক্ষা – সবকাজেই খুব সচেতন হতে হয়। অন্যথায় ভুগতে হয় চরম অস্বস্তিতে।
আপনি কর্...
বিশ্বের প্রতিটি দেশে নতুন বছরের আগমনকে ঘিরে থাকে আনন্দ আয়োজন। আমাদের দেশেও ইংরেজি সালকে আধুনিক কায়দাতে বরন করে। কিন্তু প্রাচীন কাল থেকে বাংগালীর মূল বর্ষবরণ হল ১লা বৈশাখ। পুরোনো হিসাবের খাতাকে চুকিয়...
সুমনা গত ৩ দিন ধরে নিজের সাথে মিজে লড়াই করছে। চলতি হাওয়ায় গা ভাসিয়ে চলেনি কখনো সে। কিন্তু আজ বুঝতে পারছে না কোন পথে হাঁটবে। পারিবারিক সম্বন্ধে সুমনের সাথে সুমনার বিয়ে হয়েছে ১২ বছর আগে। বয়সের ব্যবধান এ...
Find the best photographers at the best rates online on Emme Films. Emme Films is a photography company based in Dubai offers professional photography, events photography, corporate and commercial photography in your budget.
একটি শিশু বড় হবার সাথে সাথে তার আচরনগত পরির্বতন শুরু হয়। বয়স ৩ পেরোতেই মা বাবার টেনশন বাড়তে থাকে। আর এখন তথ্য প্রযুক্তির কারনে এ বয়সে সে চিনে যায় গেমস মোবাইল সহ নানা কিছু।শহরের বাচ্চা...
মানব সভ্যতার শুরু থেকেই মানুষের হাতে অস্ত্র ছিল। কালের বিবর্তনে এবং প্রযুক্তির অবিশ্বাস্য উন্নতির ফলে সেই অস্ত্র এখন ভয়াবহ রূপ নিয়েছে। আত্মরক্ষার অস্ত্র এখন পরিনত হয়েছে মারণাস্ত্রে। বর্তমানে পৃ...
৫ বছরের মিমি মায়ের হাত ধরে স্কুলে যায়। কিন্তু মেয়েকে স্কুলে আর বেশি দিন সুজাতা আনা নেয়া করতে পারবে না। শুধু মেয়ের কথা চিন্তা করে মাঝে মাঝে তার চাকরি ছেড়ে দিতে ইচ্ছে করে। কিন্তু তাও এ বাজারে অসম্ভব। সুজাতা আর তার ...
হাসিনা আকতার... moreজানতে হবে সকল মুক্তিযোদ্ধার যুদ্ধকথা
হাসিনা আকতার নিগার
বাংলাদেশ আর বাংগালী এতটাই দূর্ভাগা জাতি যে স্বাধীনতার ৪৮ বছরে এসে ও দেশে মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের নামের তালিকা হয়। রাজনৈতিক আবহ পরির্বতনের সাথে সাথে বদলে যায় নামের তালিকার। কিন্...
Moumita Akterনিচের রিপোর্টটি দেখুন।
মাত্র চার বছরের শিশুটিকে বাঁচাবেন কিভাবে?
ওর শরীরে বাসা বাঁধা ক্ষতিকর... moreনিচের রিপোর্টটি দেখুন।
মাত্র চার বছরের শিশুটিকে বাঁচাবেন কিভাবে?
ওর শরীরে বাসা বাঁধা ক্ষতিকর ব্যকটেরিয়া
মারার জন্য একটি এন্টিবায়োটিক ও নাই।সব এন্টিবায়োটিক ই রেজিস্টেন্স হয়ে গেছে !! #যত্রতত্র_এন্টিবায়োটিকের_যথেচ্ছ_ব্যবহার_পরিহার_না_করলে_একদিন_মানব_জাতির_অস্তিত্ব_ই_বিপন্ন_হয়ে_পড়বে_
এন্টিবায়োটিক রেজিস্ট্যান্স সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত জানতে নিচের Wiki Link টিতে ক্লিক করুন। less
নিচের রিপোর্টটি দেখুন।
মাত্র চার বছরের শিশুটিকে বাঁচাবেন কিভাবে?
ওর শরীরে বাসা বাঁধা ক্ষতিকর... moreনিচের রিপোর্টটি দেখুন।
মাত্র চার বছরের শিশুটিকে বাঁচাবেন কিভাবে?
ওর শরীরে বাসা বাঁধা ক্ষতিকর ব্যকটেরিয়া
মারার জন্য একটি এন্টিবায়োটিক ও নাই।সব এন্টিবায়োটিক ই রেজিস্টেন্স হয়ে গেছে !!
এন্টিবায়োটিক রেজিস্ট্যান্স সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত জানতে নিচের Wiki Link টিতে ক্লিক করুন।অ্যান্টিবায়োটিক_রেজিস্ট্যান্সless
February 19, 2019
Nusrat Jahan Pinki
I had seen it in the facebook yesterday . Its a report of a baby boy whose age is just 4 year right .
February 19, 2019
Moumita Akter
To know more about antibiotic resistence u can see the link of wiki....
Moumita Akter
Do you know how & why this condition happen....? this post was only to get attention, & the wiki link to aware everyone about this fetal condition. You may know about this.... but every one may not know. my post was only for them.
Want to create corporate and commercial ad films in Dubai then contact Emme Films. Emme Films is a London based corporate video production company in Dubai they have an extremely skilled, highly dedicated team capable of overcoming any challenge and under...
Moinul hossain mozumder Hridoy""হাচিকো নামের কুকুর টিকে টোকিও ইউনিভার্সিটির প্রফেসর ইউনো যখন নিজের কাছে এনেছিল তখন কুকুরটার... more""হাচিকো নামের কুকুর টিকে টোকিও ইউনিভার্সিটির প্রফেসর ইউনো যখন নিজের কাছে এনেছিল তখন কুকুরটার বয়স ছিল মাত্র ১ বছর্। গোল্ডেন ব্রাউন রং এর আকিতা জাতের কুকুরটিকে নিজের খাইয়ে পেলে পুষে বড় করেন প্রফেসর সাহেব। দুইজন যেন দুইজনের বন্ধু হয়ে যায়। প্রতিদিন সকালে হাচিকো আর প্রফেসরের রুটিন ছিল প্রফেসর ভার্সিটিতে ক্লাস নিতে যাওয়ার সময় হাচিকো প্রফেসর কে বাসার কাছের রেল স্টেশন পর্যন্ত... less
Successful people are those who never quit, no matter how hard the situation is. It’s kinda funny we all have the same brain but some are successful and same aren’t. If God has given you a dream in your heart, he has anointed... more#Simple Life Hacks
Successful people are those who never quit, no matter how hard the situation is. It’s kinda funny we all have the same brain but some are successful and same aren’t. If God has given you a dream in your heart, he has anointed you with one dream. But God hasn’t appointed you yet.
1. Always Believe in yourself
2. Focus on one thing at a time. (So quit multitasking.)
3. They never make excuses. (So quit making excuses.)
4. They define their success by happiness, not money. (So be happy.)
5. Their best friends are successful. (So hang out with successful people.)
6. They are extremely motivated because they love what they do. (So do what you love.)
7. They know that if they stay positive, positive things will happen. (So be positive.)
8. They ignore negativity and those who say, "You can't." (So say "I can."
10. Think bigger, do biggest
11. Family is their number one priority. (So set aside time for those you love.)
12. They give thanks for all they have achieved in... less
#Simple Life Hacks
Successful people are those who never quit, no matter how hard the situation is. It’s kinda funny we all have the same brain but some are successful and same aren’t. If God has given you a dream in your heart, he has anointed... more#Simple Life Hacks
Successful people are those who never quit, no matter how hard the situation is. It’s kinda funny we all have the same brain but some are successful and same aren’t. If God has given you a dream in your heart, he has anointed you with one dream. But God hasn’t appointed you yet.
1. Always Believe in yourself
2. Focus on one thing at a time. (So quit multitasking.)
3. They never make excuses. (So quit making excuses.)
4. They define their success by happiness, not money. (So be happy.)
5. Their best friends are successful. (So hang out with successful people.)
6. They are extremely motivated because they love what they do. (So do what you love.)
7. They know that if they stay positive, positive things will happen. (So be positive.)
8. They ignore negativity and those who say, "You can't." (So say "I can.")
10. Think bigger, do biggest
11. Family is their number one priority. (So set aside time for those you love.)
12. They give thanks for all they have achieved in their... less
Fatima Ahmed
Abhay, the reason why nothing beyond the 12th point is showing up is because the newsfeed section has a certain length and character limit. You can e-mail me the whole section and better if you can post in the wiki section. Thanks.
Samia Mou#Top Five Problem Hits Me Most
5// Lack_of_direction .
I am a 25 Year old Girl completing Honr's taking CSE(Computer Science & Engineering) as major . This is my final one year left for graduation. BY the way not 1 year 6 month... more#Top Five Problem Hits Me Most
5// Lack_of_direction .
I am a 25 Year old Girl completing Honr's taking CSE(Computer Science & Engineering) as major . This is my final one year left for graduation. BY the way not 1 year 6 month actually .Personally I am not much interested on technical subject though its my major. I run a partnership business with my sister. This is baby product online business.I want to see this business established and growing up in future. My brother-in-law suggest me to be "high ambitious" and go for higher studies in whichever country i get a chance of a scholarship. He says there is not a future in this country.I personally don't wanna go outside of country.I am confused of the fact without the desire of going outside cant anyone be high ambitious???Added to this I'm not financially dependent and I need to be at least minimum level of financially dependent within 1 year.
4// Lack_of_Stability
Sometimes I get involved in multiple... less
January 2, 2019
Noshin TasniaHey, lamia, i just can read your number 5 lack of direction, others i can't see. Anyways i can suggest you do what you wanna to do. if you are dedicated to your business one day your business will go a long way. all famous person just trust on... moreHey, lamia, i just can read your number 5 lack of direction, others i can't see. Anyways i can suggest you do what you wanna to do. if you are dedicated to your business one day your business will go a long way. all famous person just trust on themselves, whatever others say. There is also people who can shine in their life in BD. So just believe in yourself.
Here are all the photo contestants who are currently participating in the Cool Inventor photo contest. The judges are currently looking at their work and winners will be announced in a week. Please stay tuned for a final voting link where you can vote an...
Here are the winners of the Cool Inventor creativity contest. You too can participate and win at these small and quick creative contests at Don't wanna participate in contests? No problem, you can still submit your creative idea...
Hamza is one of the contestant of the Cool Inventor creativity contest. Currently, a vote is going on the creativity of his idea, which is building your personal chatbot with different chatbot development tools with minimal coding.
Oleg Romashin
Very useful thread, especially for me. I will need chatbot in the near future, so I will use your article, thanks a lot! I think you'll get more support with video tutorials also.
Malik Khawar AwanBeing in digital marketing and freelancing era for a year now - i think this is a very good idea. Hamza did a great job. Chatbots are very effective in generating leads and marketing strategies . You can directly communicate with clients without even... moreBeing in digital marketing and freelancing era for a year now - i think this is a very good idea. Hamza did a great job. Chatbots are very effective in generating leads and marketing strategies . You can directly communicate with clients without even being available online all the time. You can just deploy a bot and its artificial intelligence scenarios will do the rest. Great Job Hamza !
November 17, 2018
Boban Koshinov
Chat bot may be the future in our technology! Great idea Hamza you did a really good job. Continue to make good videos. All the best!
November 18, 2018
Mazhiel MThe reason why I voted for this idea is because of the incorporation of AI in its functionality. I believe that this will have a great impact when AI is used at its full potential for this chatbot. There are many chatbots around but one that uses data... moreThe reason why I voted for this idea is because of the incorporation of AI in its functionality. I believe that this will have a great impact when AI is used at its full potential for this chatbot. There are many chatbots around but one that uses data and predictive analytics will have an edge over other thousands of chatbots in the world. Goodluck on your idea and may this be the start of a great journey for you!
Noshin is one of the contestant of the Cool Inventor creativity contest. Currently, a vote is going on the creativity of her idea, which is an E-commerce app, which is quick and packed with many features and functions.
Amit Kanti Barua
ECommerce has been a part of our day-to-day life. It Using it, anyone can order a product and get it without going to markets - Few clicks would do. The main issue could be, for distant places to deliver. Otherwise, it looks promising.
Akibur Rahman
E-commerce applications are common but I think you can do well if you can add features that we usually not see in ecommerce sites.All the best with your project.
Boban Koshinov
E comerce is a great idea and your video is very very good! Im running a web store also so i can just say its great experience and i hope you will have a freat succes with that!
Mazhiel MAn ecommerce website is good but you have to spice it up to have a competitive advantage over your competitors. Perhaps a lower service fee for the business owners and customers? I also like the idea of how you were able to capture each functionality of... moreAn ecommerce website is good but you have to spice it up to have a competitive advantage over your competitors. Perhaps a lower service fee for the business owners and customers? I also like the idea of how you were able to capture each functionality of an ecommerce website.
Kamrul is one of the contestant of the Cool Inventor creativity contest. Currently, a vote is going on the creativity of his idea, which is an app called Hands for Hands, which is an emergency app for people in trouble.
Bin Yamin
It seems like a good idea to use the power of the goodness around you. There are always people willing to help and I believe this is a really an innovative idea that could bring them together and make the world a happier place
November 16, 2018
Akibur Rahman
This is a great idea, but my only concern is that it may be used by criminals to take advantage of vulnerable people.If you can come up with a mechanism that will allow people to use this app confidently then I think it has a lot of potential.
November 17, 2018
Oleg RomashinI find this idea super awesome! Very useful app for people all over the world. But may be you should add possible to send messages through WhatsApp or Viber(or something else) from your app, since get more chance for help. Let me know when I can download... moreI find this idea super awesome! Very useful app for people all over the world. But may be you should add possible to send messages through WhatsApp or Viber(or something else) from your app, since get more chance for help. Let me know when I can download it )
November 17, 2018
Boban Koshinov
I must say it amazing have a very very great idea but u think it will be hard to implement that idea to reality but it worth trying! Good luck
November 18, 2018
Mazhiel MIt was good that you were able to think of a solution to gather people to help someone who is in need of help. However, to make this a better idea, I suggest to have a more specific instruction or details to the public on how the app works. Will it have... moreIt was good that you were able to think of a solution to gather people to help someone who is in need of help. However, to make this a better idea, I suggest to have a more specific instruction or details to the public on how the app works. Will it have a list of numbers specific for every need e.g. calling for spare food for the needy in the street, a woman victim of catcalling, etc.? Keep this invention running, I am sure it has a lot of potential! less